Acupuncuture for Women's Health & Fertility
Acupuncture provides a safe, effective, drug-free, and natural approach to treating infertility and enjoying a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few reasons to try acupuncture:
An acupuncturist does not treat just symptoms and signs, but instead activates the body’s natural healing potential by treating the root causes that have lead to the problem or disease.
Acupuncture is completely natural. No drugs are ever used. In the Western treatment of infertility, undesired side effects and accumulated toxicity from invasive procedures and drug therapies may occur.
Acupuncture can be used to strengthen, support, and balance overall health and well-being, so other fertility procedures are more effective.
The practice of acupuncture is over 3,000 years old, and has helped millions of people become well and stay healthy.
Also consider acupuncture during your pregnancy. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture has been found useful for relieving labor pain, nausea, vomiting, and significantly reducing the duration of labor. There is also strong evidence that acupuncture can help with breech birth.
Women’s health issues that Acupuncture has been effective in treating:
Center for Natural Medicine
Corrie L. Pillon, DC, DABCI, DACBN, DIpl.Med.Ac., CCEP
6825 E. Hampden Ave., Ste. 100, Denver, CO 80224
(303) 756-1082
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